Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Salvia with bagels

Bagels scented with salvia
Before I came to this place I didn't know about bagels, it seems like a bread with the shape of a donut. The principal ingredient is flour and yeast.

There is a wide range of ingredients you can add to create different flavors many of them are sweetened. Usually, the flavors are: cinnamon, onion, chocolate etc.

I've been thinking that how would a bagel taste if we add some salvia with it. I've experienced salvia extract where I work, my job is to make salvia. Salvia divinorum doesn't taste so good to pass alone as a condiment, but I think that used among other ingredients you can lower the semi-bitter salvia scent. That's why we sell flavored salvia extracts, because they're more gratifying.

About the salvia effects after you taste a salvia divinorum bagel... I'm not quite sure what would happen. Possibly the world will never discover it...